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vendredi 15 avril 2011

Suka hati lah yo


The hell lah kalo aku tak nak makan. Memang pun orang cakap aku antara perempuan paling kuat makan diorang pernah jumpa. Tapih, tak bermakna sentiasa je nafsu makan aku tu ada. And why is that your problem anyway?

No way aku akan mati sebab eating disorder, just no way. I'm not bulimic, I'm not on stupid diet, aku makan bila aku rasa nak makan. I take care of myself. Tak perlu paksa or push aku untuk makan. I'm not stupid or retarded. The hell lah cakap, "Alaa Poppy, ko dah kurus nak diet2 buat apa."

Just shut up.

mardi 22 mars 2011

No exception

Hey, don't ever blow off once-in-a-lifetime chances for someone.

That 'someone' might not worth it.

mardi 18 janvier 2011

The heartthrobs

How soo carefree your life is. You sleep, eat, play, have sex, sleep, eat, play, have sex, and repeat that all over again.

In your world there are no problems, no job-hunting, no money, no commitments, it’s okay for you to just laying around and be handsome and clumsy. And there’s always gonna be food for you.

In your world there’s no social classes, no degrees, no best school, no what’s-your-family-background –like, no salary range, no hottest and expensive clothes, no designer shoes, no luxurious cars, no latest tv trend.

No backstabbing, no heartbreaks, no betrayal, no lies, no confessions, no denial. 

But in my world… =(

But you totally understand that.

Thanks for always being there, for the shoulders for me to cry on (literally), for you to always listen and just be silent to my grumbles, for the companion, for laying down closely beside me when I’m watching tv, for licking my fingers, ears and nose when I’m at least expecting it, for touching my face so softly while looking to my eyes that I could cry, for making me smile for no reason all the times. =’]



  Ya, ini baru benar cinta mati gue.

samedi 15 janvier 2011

The piercing

2005, aku decide untuk tindik kening. Masa tu aku tengah study lagi.

Aku teringat lagi sampai sekarang, sejak balik ke hostel dengan pierced eyebrow, aku rasa budak2 sebilik dengan aku dah pandang aku lain macam. Aku pun kurang ngam ngan diorang, sebab diorang tak cool. Cam setiap kali balik kelas atau lepas mandi dan masuk bilik, cam ada satu situasi pelik semua orang silence and berlagak konon bersahaja. Aku rasa diorang bajet aku ni budak liar.

Tapi tindik kening je kot, bukannya top star of 3gp.

Ada sekali masa aku tengah solat (dulu rajin dowh), terdengar diorang bisik2 sinis (kantoi x khusyuk), "Hek eleh, sah ke sembahyang pakai benda tu?"


Bukan susuk pun.

Nota tulis pakai kaki: Lama dah ye blog ni tak ada gambar.

mardi 11 janvier 2011


I need a friend. Someone yang layan konsert, live bands or djs and tak kan pernah claim, "We're already too old for that lah..."

 (-_-") Boring dowh korang. Damn, you guys got old before time.

And kawan yang tak on diet all year round, please? Aku sunyi dowh.

dimanche 2 janvier 2011


Everything that's beautiful will eventually break our hearts.

He is beautiful, very. =\

You = My drugs. Probably.

I had never ever finished doctor's prescription when I'm sick, and for the 1st time I did.

Because you always remind me to do so.